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Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. -James 1:27

Online Donation

The Centre of Loving Hands Orphanage, located in Turbe’, Haiti, was founded in 1996 by Pastor Jean Siliac. Following his death in 2003, Yvette Siliac, his wife, became the sole owner of the orphanage. Due to limited funds and global economic situations, the orphanage was forced to downsize from 20 children to 12. In 2009, the orphanage was in financial strain when God revealed it to us. Currently we are supporting 9 children with the hope of, one day, opening the doors to many more local orphans that are in desperate need of a good, Christ centered, nurturing environment in which to grow.

Although you may choose to bless a specific child for birthdays, Christmas, etc., please understand that your sponsorship is for the orphanage as a whole. We are responsible for the care of all 9 children and can not help some while others go in need. When the Government lifts the travel ban we encourage you to consider going on a short term mission trip to meet the child and spend time with them. There are also opportunities available to take part in future work projects at the orphanage.

The approximate cost of providing for a child is $100 per month. Currently we are suggesting $30 per month as a support pledge but we will graciously accept whatever the Lord places on your heart. The needs are endless but together, by the grace of God, we can accomplish much. Please be aware that faithfulness and consistency are just as important as the pledge itself.

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