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Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. -James 1:27

Helping Haiti's Orphans

Following the Biblical mandate stated in James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.", the purpose of Helping Haiti’s Orphans is to provide for the spiritual, educational, emotional, and physical needs of orphans in Haiti, enabling them to become productive, caring and accountable Christian adults.
Helping Haiti's Orphans is recognized as a 501(c)3 charity by the IRS.

Our Ministries

Centre of Loving
Hands Orphanage

Transition Program

Board of Directors

Timothy A. Stasiunas

Tim joined the HHO board in March 2016. He attends Perryville Bible church in South Kingstown, RI. Tim has been a principal in the Stasiunas Companies since 1978, a Land Development, Construction and Site Development Company located in Charlestown, RI. He has been traveling to Haiti since 2011 and has made over a dozen trips. Tim is the former President of the Charlestown Chamber of Commerce. Currently, he is President of the RI Builders Association and has been active on that board for some thirty years.

David Kreyssig

Vice President
Dave is one of the co-founders of HHO and has been a member since it’s inception in June 2014. He is a member of New Hope Chapel in Richmond, Rhode Island. Dave went on his first mission trip to Haiti in 2008 and lead both medical and construction mission trips since 2011. Dave has a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He served as church treasurer and Deacon at New Hope Chapel for 6 years. From 2016 to 2021, Dave and is wife Deb served as full time missionaries in Haiti as the directors of the Espere Kay (Hope House) Program. Currently, they oversee the LHO Transition Program, are the coordinators for the mission outreaches at New Hope Chapel and serve as the leaders for the New Hope Chapel High School Youth Group.

Justina J. Victorino

Justina became a member of HHO in June of 2018. She attends New Hope Chapel in Richmond, RI. She has been on one mission trip to Haiti in April 2015. While there she visited Loving Hands Orphanage and went up to the mountain village of Marbial to assist in teaching VBS at the village school and to help with the children while some of the team began the construction of a new kitchen at the boys home. Justina is currently a Financial Management/Deputy Comptroller for the U.S. Government/Navy but will soon retire. Justina is the wife of Jack M. Victorino and the mother of two girls and has three grandchildren, (two granddaughters and one grandson).

Linda Nooney

Linda joined the HHO board in March 2016. She attends The Harbor Church in West Kingston RI. Linda has been traveling to Haiti with various missions teams since 2011. During her first trip, Linda felt she was called to serve, encourage, and show Christ’s love to the Haitian people. Her passion is spending time with the children at Loving Hands Orphanage. She has worked as the bookkeeper at The Harbor Church since 2012. Linda has a heart for children and their well-being, both physically and spiritually. She and her husband, Jim, are the parents of four daughters.

Deborah Kressig

Deb is one of the co-founders of HHO and has been a member since it’s inception in June 2014. She is a member of New Hope Chapel in Richmond, RI. Deb has been on numerous mission trips to Haiti since her first trip in 2010. She and her husband, David, have led teams doing work projects, medical clinics and Vacation Bible School since 2011. Deb was the Director/Lead Teacher of the preschool at New Hope Chapel in Richmond, RI for five years. From 2016 to 2021, Deb and Dave served as full time missionaries in Haiti as the directors of the Espere Kay (Hope House) Program. Currently, they oversee the LHO Transition Program, are the coordinators for the mission outreaches at New Hope Chapel and serve as the leaders for the New Hope Chapel High School Youth Group.

Dan Mills

Dan joined the HHO board in March of 2024. He attends Perryville Bible Church in Wakefield, RI where he volunteers in many places as needed. Dan has been a Union Carpenter Foreman for more than twenty plus years. He is a loving and faithful husband to his wonderful wife, Heather, and has three godly daughters! He has been on multiple work teams and medical teams to Haiti since 2010; seeking first God’s kingdom!! Dan’s life Scripture is Psalm 24 which he has memorized and meditates on regularly!

Sophia Pearson

Sophia became a board member of HHO in March of 2024, but has long been a supporter of the mission. She has taken several missions trips to Haiti and has a deep love for the country and it's people. Sophia attends New Hope Chapel in Richmond, RI where she and her husband participate on the Music Ministry team.

Recognition of Past Board Members

Melissa Prevey

served as treasurer
2016 - 2018

Gary Boden

served as secretary
2016 - 2020

John Hughes

served as secretary
2020 - 2021

Lucy Fraioli

served as President 2014 - 2020
Director 2021 - 2024